
Telegram Scraper and Adder are the Best Telegram Marketing Software of KenzaByte for Adding Targeted Members to Groups.
We have developed the best software for Telegram Marketing also known as Telegram Scraper and Adder. that can Scrape users from any competitor Telegram group and add them into your own groups hence you can get the targeted audience for your business purposes.💚
Below are Explained/Answered all FAQs related to Telegram Rules for Scraping + Adding, And FAQs related to our Telegram Members Adding Software ✅
Telegram Scraper Extracts the members from your competitor’s telegram group and saves those members’ details into a data.csv file with usernames, user IDs, and names. and these members’ details are very important for member adding. And you can scrape any public or private groups and build a custom telegram niche audience.
The Users Details Scraped by Scraper option will be saved in the data.csv file right? Now adder will read those users’ details & use the username of the user and add those members into your group / your desired group.
so using this telegram member adder bot or Telegram scraper and adder software you can have your targeted audience and can build Targeted Audience Groups that will be very beneficial for your business. as you know to grow any business you must reach the right person who is interested in your product/services etc.
Yes, Software access is for Lifetime Access.
Yes, only Possible Updates are FREE,
if we developed any different software that will be paid only!
Until we are alive we ll provide possible updates free of cost – T&C Apply
This is only available through licensing.
No! so please choose wisely. We don’t allow to exchange the software
- Windows 10 OR Windows 11 / Windows RDP, Virtual Box [VMWare]
- Minimum 2GB – 4 GB RAM
It Doesn’t Work on MAC, Android, Linux ❌
Only Windows OS ✅
No, Just one API ID & API HASH is Required. Inbuild Comes. if you want to change then you can change from the path
open this file and can replace the API ID & API HASH
It Can Scrape From both Public and Private Groups [in which group members are visible those groups can be scraped only, not hidden group members ] – You can check Here 👉 Telegram Hidden Scraper tool.✅
It Can Scrape members such as 24-hour active Members, within a week Active Members, Within Months Active Members, and All Members. there are No Limits in Scraper. if the group has for example 2,00,000 members I can scrape all and save them into a data.csv file.
It also Can Scrape Members without Links that are mostly private groups in which group links are not visible.
Telegram doesn’t allow Telegram Channels Subscribers scraping, not only our Software but no other tools have the power to scrape channel subscribers, it’s IMPOSSIBLE!
If anyone says his tool can scrape members from telegram channels as well then he is lier and he may scam you so stay alert!
Telegram Channel Members Scraping only possible if your account is Admin in the channel. then only possible otherwise its Impossible!
Yes, If you are the owner / Admin of the channel then you can Scrape your channel Subscribers !
Put your Telegram Account Number in Configurations [ use same number where you are the admin ]>>
Example : PhoneNumber = 84911554110
in FromGroup Section put Your Channel Username
Example: FromGroup = MyChannel01
Save the Configuration file and close it.
Now Run the Export+Filter Button, select the active members filter option and hit enter and its Done!✅
All your channel subscribers’ Members Details have been saved in the Data.csv file ✅
❇️ Peerflood May Shows for 3 Reasons :
1) If Your Telegram Account/number is new then shows Peerflood
2) if the number/Account has few days restrictions then also it shows peer-flood
3) And if You Using Today used Numbers For Member Adding again on the same day and trying to add Members, then it also shows peer-flood
Yes! You can use multiple Telegram Accounts for Memebrs adding purpose
Just 1 telegram Account is Required For Members Scraping and that number option present in the Configuration file.
that number will be used for Telegram Member Scraping purposes.
You can use As many as Telegram Accounts you want.
❇️ One account can add 50 members Maximum in a day ✅
so if You have more Telegram Accounts You can add more Members And Reuse today’s used accounts after 24 hours.
So please consider This is telegram adding rules, not the software.😊
Note: People who enabled privacy to their profile will not get added into groups so exactly 50 can’t get added
phone.csv file, in this file you have to put your multiple telegram accounts numbers one by one like this
Example :
Save it and close it.
Now click on >> login Accounts Button
And login accounts with Login code of each numbers!
and these Telegram accounts will be used for Members Adding Purposes.
What is Data.csv :
in this File, Scraper saves all members’ details automatically after running “Export+Filter”, “Private Export” and “Filter Username”. Buttons.
and Adder will read members’ details from this file and try to add members to your group!
When you scrape new group members data.csv file will be automatically updated!
it ll remove old data from it and keeps new updated data inside data.csv file so never delete this file, because it ll be updated automatically!
❇️ Memory File Explanation
(Open memory file with notepad ✅ don’t use excel ❌ )
The default memory file contains 1,1,50
It means it’s an instruction for the adder to use 1st account from the phone.csv file for members adding and add members from Serial Number [ sr. no ] 1 to 50 from the data.csv file.
So when you click the adder button it’ll follow the above-explained way and auto-updates the memory file with 2,51,100 which it means it is ready to use 2nd account from the phone file and adds members of the data file from 51-100
So like this, it’ll keep going and keep updating the file
1 – Now for example you have memory files like
And you have only 18 Telegram accounts in the phone file.
then, when you click the adder button it does not do anything or auto-close or give messages like : [!] Index Out of Range [ Check Memory & Phone Files].
Because, In the phone file we have 18 accounts only and in-memory file, it trying to use the 20th account so that why it not gonna work
You can edit the memory file first digit to 1,501,550 and save it
Click “More” button >> Click “Reset Memory [ 1st Digit ]” Button.
so it’ll reuse account from 1st account. And add from 501 to 550 of usernames from the data file okay!
The first digit always indicates which account need to use for adding
Note: do not use today used accounts again on same day otherwise it may give peer-flood message!
2 – Now supposed your memory file have
Ans in your data file have only 430 usernames and you try to run adder then its gonna auto closes the adder file
Because we are trying to add from 501 th username but that doesn’t exist anymore. Right
So you can scrape new group users after that you can reset the memory file using these below options
Click the “More” button >> Click the “Reset Memory [ 2 Digits ]” Button.
it will reset like 10,1,50 or 10,1,20 the other 2 digits will be updated as per the variable value in configuration file “Per_Account”
[“Per_Account” variable explained in the ⬇️ Below question: “How to Customize Per Account Adding Limits?”]
The first digit is an indicator of which account needs to be used
Other 2 digits we have reset to use from 1st username because we have scraped new group users
So that’s all about memory file logic.
3 – Now suppose you want to use from the first account and add from 1st username of the data file
if you want to use from 1st account for members adding and you wan to add members from first username of data.csv file
then Reset the memory file using the these options ⬇️
Click the “More” button >> Click the “Reset Memory [ All Digits ]” Button.
Now you can proceed with Members Adding!
Always use notepad or Notepad++ to open these files ✅ , [don’t use Excel ❎]
if you don’t know then right click on files and select >> open with >> and select here notepad option!
There is No limit to log in, You can log in unlimited Telegram Accounts as much as you want!
here Pulling Means Scraping
Scraping = Extracting Members from Any public/Private Groups Okay.
So for Scraping only 1 Account is Required and it can Extract/Scrape All Members and save them into a Data.csv file!
Software is just automation tool.
You can use As many as Telegram Accounts you want.
❇️ One account can add 50 members Maximum in a day ✅
so if You have more Telegram Accounts You can add more Members And Reuse today’s used accounts after 24 hours.
So please consider This is telegram adding rules, not the software.😊
so its up to you if you have more telegram accounts then you can add more according with telegram rules!
Note: People who enabled privacy to their profile will not get added into groups so exactly 50 can’t get added
For Telegram group Scraping, There are 2 types of groups.
1- Public Groups
2- Private Groups
Let Me explain Here How to scrape Public Groups !
Public Groups Have their Group Link Visible
Example: https://t.me/LBank_French
So put your any Telegram Account Number in Configurations
Example : PhoneNumber = 84911554110
in the FromGroup Section put the Group username, please don’t use the full link
Use a username like this
Example: FromGroup = LBank_French
Save the Configuration file and close it.
Now Run the “Export+Filter” Button, select the active member’s filter option, and hit enter and it’s Done!✅
All the Groups Member’s Details have been saved in the Data.csv file ✅
For Telegram group Scraping, There are 2 types of groups.
1- Public Groups
2- Private Groups
Let Me explain Here How to scrape Private Groups !
Private Groups do not Have their Group Link Visible.
if you get any private link from anywhere or the admin of a group that Group Link may look like this
Example: https://t.me/+kscQWxnXblk1YjY9
So join it manually yourself by using on of the telegram accounts and pin that group to the top.
put your same Telegram Account Number [that you used to join the group ] in Configurations
Example : PhoneNumber = 84911554110
in the FromGroup Section, you can leave it empty it does not matter!
Save the Configuration file and close it.
Now Run the “Private Export” Button, put 0 [zero] and hit the enter button and press again enter button.
Now it will Scrape Members from that Private Group!✅
[ sometimes it may auto closes the terminal of private export !]
After exporting using the private export option click on the “Filter Username” button one time ✅.
Now All the Groups Member’s Details have been saved in the Data.csv file and can be used for members adding ✅
For Telegram group Members Assing, Your Group must be Public.
✅ Public Link Example: https://t.me/Smart_Yank
Private Link Example : https://t.me/+6sqKrCdiFTs2ODZl
We Require here Public Link ✅
If your Group is private then make it public and after members adding you can again make it to private.
About how to scrape members from both public groups and private groups explained above ⬆️
now this adding thing is comes after we already scraped members.
Let Me explain Here How to to Add Members to Public Groups!
Let’s assume we already Scraped the members from groups and members’ details are available in our data.csv file!
So put your Group Link as Username Format in Configurations.
in the ToGroup Section put the Group username, please don’t use the full link ❌
Use a username like this
Example: ToGroup = Smart_Yank
Save the Configuration file and close it.
Now Run the “Single Adder Mode” Button, and it ll run one telegram account and add unique members from data file ✅
when you click again on “Single Adder Mode” Button, it will again open a terminal with another account and adds members from the data file. like this it ll keep going!
🟢 one click = one terminal launches = one account adding
If you want to run multiple accounts for members adding then,
click the “Multi-Adder Mode” button,
it’ll ask “[*] How Many Adder Terminals/[Accounts] Do you want to Run? =“
here put as per your wish
For example, I have 10 Accounts in the phone.csv file for members adding
then I will put here 10
Example :
[*] How Many Adder Terminals/[Accounts] Do you want to Run? = 10
and hit the enter button
Now it will automatically run all 10 accounts one by one itself.
after every “x” seconds of delay that is mentioned in the “C” button with the variable : [ open_next_adder_after_seconds ]
“C” Button Explained Alredy Below as Question: what is the “C” button in the Panel?
When you click on Button called “C” it will open a file with a variable open_next_adder_after_seconds
so in this variable you can put any seconds that will be above 10 seconds
Example :
open_next_adder_after_seconds = 16
so Whenever we run Multi-Adder Mode it will run one account and waited 16 seconds delay to properly run that account first
then after that 16 seconds delay it will run next account for members adding.
so this is the use of that ‘C’ button variable !
Telegram Groups :
In Group You can see People’s communication, and the most important and best way to know its group or channel is by looking at the top bar.
in that top bar it’ll show you as members and you can even see the people who are participating in any particular groups.
if that group members are hidden you can still see the admins there so this is a Group Not a channel.
So Telegram Members Adding Software is Developed Mainly for transferring Telegram Group Members From one Group to Another Group.
Telegram Channels :
Telegram Channels top bar will show you as a subscriber which means this is a channel and you can’t see the members who are participating in this channel.
so channel member exporting or scraping is not possible by normal users, Telegram doesn’t allow us so adding members from a channel to other channels is not possible. So please don’t repeat these questions and this software is made for Telegram Groups Mostly.
But You can Also Add Members to Channel too Here 💚 Explained in details 👉 Read More..
First of Channel Scraping Already Explained above ⬆️
Herer we are talking about “is it possible to Scrape the Group members who’s Members Are Hidden ?”
Answer : NO, {may be yes }
1- NO its Impossible – If Any Group Owner Hides There Members then Scraping those Hidden Group Members is Impossible that’s why I said NO!
2- {may be yes }– But there is another way. We can Still Scrape the Members who sent messages in the group chat only. [comminicators]
🟢 using 👉🏼 Telegram Hidden Group Members Scraper Tool ✅
Except this way there is no other ways to scrape directly hidden group members!
Yes! If you are the admin/owner of the Group You can Still Scrape All group Members using the “Export+Filter” and “Private Export” options.
The Telegram Members adding maximum limit are 50 members adding from one account in a day,
if you try to use same account to add more members on same day it doesn’t work.
In the Configuration File, there is a Variable Called: Per_Account
And its default value is 50
Example :
Per_Account = 50
It means its an Instruction for the added file to try add a maximum 50 members from one account
hence your memory file follows like 1,1,50
above already explained how memory file works and what are these 3 digits used for.⬆️⬆️
I assume you already read that!
Let’s suppose if you want to change per account members adding a limit to 20 or anything then
change the variable from 50 to 20
Example :
Per_Account = 20
and save the configuration file and close it.
Now Click the “More” Button >> Click the “Reset Memory [2 Digits]” button.
Now you are ready for members adding, now we have saved the setting successfully.
from now it’ll add 20 members only from our all accounts.
like this I explained by taking the example of 20 you can modify it as per your wish okay!
but if you keep default Value 50 that will be good as well for members adding!
The message : [!] Index Out of Range [ Check Memory & Phone Files]
Mostly comes in Adder Option only!
To solve this Please read the above ⬆️ Explanation about Memory File “What is Memory.csv File ?”
“More” Button and Its Options
1- Reset memory [2 Digits]
3- Reset memory [All Digits]
2- Reset memory [1st Digit]
As explained in the Above ⬆️ Question “What is a Memory.csv File?”
The Message :BadMsgNotification: [17] The msg_id is too high, the client time has to be synchronized.
This message may come in all options of our Telegram Member Adder tool. But why ?
The Answer is: Your Computer [PC] Date and time is incorrect!
even 1 wrong minute, wrong timezone, and wrong date may cause you to get the message.
✅ Solution :
Goto Your systems Date and Time Settings >>
Enable the “Set time automatically” option
Set Correct your timezone [manually / automatically it’s up to you]
Set the Correct Date and Time.
Now go to the option again, where you faced that message, and you can see now it has been resolved!
In Telegram, the term “NotMutualContact” refers to a specific privacy setting that restricts certain actions based on the contact relationship between users. When you encounter “NotMutualContact” while trying to add a member to a group or channel, it means that the person you are trying to add does not have you saved as a contact in their phone, even though you might have their number saved in your contacts.
Telegram has privacy settings that can limit who can add you to groups and channels. One of these settings can be configured to allow only mutual contacts (people who have each other’s phone numbers saved) to add each other to groups or channels. If this setting is enabled and the person you are trying to add has not saved your number, you will see the “NotMutualContact” error.
Hence this kind of member will not get added to groups and only 5 – 6% of people may enable this setting so you can’t face these things in more people with this setting!
In Telegram, the term “Privacy Restricted” appears when you try to add a member to a group but are unable to do so due to their privacy settings. This typically means that the person you are attempting to add has configured their privacy settings to restrict who can add them to groups.
Here’s what this means :
What “Privacy Restricted” Means?
When you see the “Privacy Restricted” message, it indicates that the user has chosen to limit who can add them to groups. This can be due to one of the following privacy settings:
Allow only contacts to add me to groups: The user has set their privacy settings so only people in their contact list can add them to groups.
Disallow everyone from adding me to groups: The user has set a strict privacy setting that prevents anyone from adding them to groups, regardless of contact status.
🟢 Hence You can not add members to the group / channels, who are enabled privacy settings to their Profile, and its comman!
The term “UserChannelTooMuchJoined” in Telegram appears when you try to add a member to a group or channel, and it indicates that the user has already joined the maximum number of groups and channels allowed by Telegram.
What “UserChannelTooMuchJoined” Means ?
Telegram imposes a limit on the number of groups, channels, and supergroups a user can join to ensure optimal performance and prevent abuse. When a user has reached this limit, they cannot join any more groups or channels until they leave some of the ones they are currently in.
Current Limits :
As of my knowledge cutoff in May 2023, Telegram allows a user to join up to:
🟢 500 groups and channels combined.
If the user is already part of 500 groups and channels, trying to add them to another one will trigger the “UserChannelTooMuchJoined” message.
🔔 Hence You can not add members to the group/channels, who already joined too many channels/groups because he has no limits to get added into the group and yep it make sense!
For Telegram Channel Members Assing , Your Channel must be Public.
✅ Public Link Example: https://t.me/Smart_Yank
Private Link Example : https://t.me/+6sqKrCdiFTs2ODZl
We Require here Public Link ✅
If your Channel is private then make it public and after members adding you can again make it to private.
About how to scrape members from both public & private groups and How to Scrape Channel Subscribers explained above ⬆️
now this adding thing comes after we already scraped members.
🟢 Telegram Channel Member Adding Rules :
For Telegram Channel Members adding Rules are totally different.
our software also mainly for telegram Groups Members Adding but still you can use it for Channel Members adding as well!
The Rules are By Telegram App Itself ✅ , it’s not software rules. it is Telegram Rules For Telegram Channels!
- You can directly add up to 200 members only to a channel.
- These members are added without their consent, meaning they don’t need to accept an invitation to join.
- 200 Members is Maximum and Lifetime Limit for a channel
- This even only works for Fresh / Newly created channels
- This 200 Members adding does not work if you already have morehtan 200 – 500 members in your channel.
- for adding this 200 Members you have to make multiple Telegram accounts Admins in your channel [ that we are going to use for adding ]
- if you try to add more than 200 members then telegram does not allows because this is maximum limit for a channel
❇️ How to Add more than 200 Members to Channel?
Beyond the initial 200 members, you can invite an unlimited number of users to join your channel via an invite link.
These users will need to click on the link and then join the channel themselves.
this is only Possible For Channel Members Boosting with a targeted audience.
❇️ How other Channels are Increasing Their Subscribers?
The Members adding rules already explain and that’s by telegram itself.
and no one has the power to bypass these rules!
NOTE : if anyone says his software can add targeted members from one channel to another then he is a liar and he may make a scam with you. so stay away.
and people uses Fake Members Services to Boost Thier channel subscribers
We also offers the fake members Subscribers Boosting service
Click Here to View & order ➡️ Telegram Fake Channel Subscribers. ✅
❇️ How these Fake Members Work To boost Channel Subscribers?
As telegram says itself if peoples joins themself using a link there is no limits for that.
so we follow this and we have thousands of members database / Telegram Accounts Setup.
so we make those user accounts to join themselves to the particular channels hence that channel subscribers will be boosted!
this is the same techniques other peoples also used to boost their telegram channel subscribers.
🟩 Lets Back to the Topic , Let Me explain Here
How to Add Members/Subscribers to a Public Channel!
Let’s assume we already Scraped the members from groups and members’ details are available in our data.csv file!
So put your Channel Link as Username Format in Configurations.
in the ToGroup Section put the Group username, please don’t use the full link ❌
Use a username like this
Example: ToGroup = Smart_Yank
Save the Configuration file and close it.
Now Run the “Single Adder Mode” Button, and it ll run one telegram account and add unique members from the data file ✅
NOTE: if it says ChatAdminrequired Messages then goto the channel and make the accounts admin in your channel which is trying to add members
when you click again on “Single Adder Mode” Button, it will again open a terminal with another account and adds members from the data file. like this it ll keep going!
🟢 one click = one terminal launches = one account adding
If you want to run multiple accounts for members adding then,
click the “Multi-Adder Mode” button,
it’ll ask “[*] How Many Adder Terminals/[Accounts] Do you want to Run? =“
here put as per your wish
For example, I have 10 Accounts in the phone.csv file for members adding
then I will put here 10
Example :
[*] How Many Adder Terminals/[Accounts] Do you want to Run? = 10
and hit the enter button
Now it will automatically run all 10 accounts one by one itself.
after every “x” seconds of delay that is mentioned in the “C” button with the variable : [ open_next_adder_after_seconds ]
“C” Button Explained Alredy Below as Question: what is the “C” button in the Panel?
These messages mainly come in Telegram Channels not in Groups ok
our Telegram Member Adder Software is mainly for Groups not for channels.
but still, you can use it for members adding in Telegram channels as well.
that I have already explained in the above question “How to Add Members in Telegram Channel ?“
What “ChatAdminRequiredError” Means ?
the term “ChatAdmin Required Error” in Telegram occurs when you try to add a member to a channel but do not have the necessary administrative permissions to do so.
This error indicates that only admins are allowed to add members to that particular channel.!